Sunday, June 11, 2017

Hiding an ugly Wi-Fi router with some old books

Disclaimer. This post is not directly related to electronics DIY, but it is somewhat radio related. It is also DIY and a hint of crap.

I have an ugly Wi-Fi router on a shelf that I would like to hide. Although I am a radio geek, all the antennas and blinking LEDs just do not match the rest of the living room. I collected some old books on a flea market, ripped of the spines, and stapled them together to create a nice box.

Ripping of the spine is a quick process using an utility knife. I left about 5 mm of the front and back cover to be able to staple them together.

This is the inner side of the construction. For the books at each end, I left the front and back cover respectively, creating a sort of flimsy box.

The finished product on the shelf. It covers the Wi-Fi router nicely. Since the box is open at the top, ventilation is not restricted. In addition, my calculations reveal that 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz should propagate nicely through these old book spines.

Since I love books, and have a few thousand titles in my library, I took great care not to dissect any useful books in the process. Others may disagree, but I found theater history. anthropology and cultural history to be of particular use for this project.